bintray - getting started

bintray, jcenter, snapshots, what?

bintray - getting started

Bintray is a bit confusing at first because there are 3 parts involved.

The 3 parts are:

  1. a bintray repository. It will contain only our own (in my case maven) packages published to it. To load the packages from the repository we can add it to gradles repositories block. For example:

    repositories {
      maven {

    where openapi-processor is the (bintray) user or organization (organization in my case), and primary is a (there can be more) repository in the account.

    The documentation uses the bintray gradle plugin to upload our package to the bintray repository.

  2. then there is jcenter, a public repository like maven central, that publishes the packages of many open source projects under a common repository.

    Gradle has built-in support for jcenter:

    repositories {
      maven {
  3. and last there is an artifactory repository that is used to publish SNAPSHOT versions.

    The documentation uses the artifactory gradle plugin to upload snapshots.

The bintray repository is the starting point. After connecting it to jcenter we can:

  • publish a new package version to bintray, and it will automatically be published to jcenter,

  • and publish new snapshot releases to

Here a couple of links that helped me with the initial publishing setup:

A few blogs articles:

and a couple of links to the Bintray documentation: